PickData LoRa Bridge for Modbus Wireless.
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Used for reading wireless bus units. Perfect when, for example, electricity meters in different buildings need to be read off and it is difficult to pull cable.
The jetty can handle up to 3 km outdoors and 1 km indoors at the lowest LoRa speed. LoRa speed can be selected from 293-21875 bps. PickData LoRa bridge can be used either as master or slave via a setting. Settings are made in software on the computer equipped with a modbus adapter.
The slave bridge is connected to the modbus socket on the modbus master, such as a plc, a computer or the Logger 3030 PRO. Up to 32 modbus units can then be connected to the bridge that is the master. The bridge works with everything that can be read via Modbus, meters, sensors etc.
The bridges are powered by 230V and fit in standard norm enclosures.
Communication to the bridges is completely transparent, at the protocol level, there is no difference between cable connection. What's more is that it's slowing down with radio, counting about 4 metrics per minute at lowest speed. The setting that may need to be changed in the modbus master is the waiting time for responses and waiting time between calls. At the lowest LoRa rate 293 bps, 3 seconds of response time and 10 seconds of waiting time between calls are appropriate.